We Guarantee Big Results Or You Don't Pay.

You Don't Want To Waste Your Time and Neither do We.

You Don't Want To Waste Your Time and Neither do We.

Hi, This is Emily. As a former yoga instructor and insurance agency owner, I understand how important it is for a business to have quality booked appointments...

That's exactly why AppointmentSettingAI was created.

There's a good chance that my team and I can help you get more qualified appointments booked ...but the only way to know for sure is to have a quick conversation with you.

Now - if  "the shoe was on the other foot", I'd be pretty hesitant to book a phone call with someone I don't know.

So please realize this conversation isn't a sales pitch in disguise or one of those "high pressure" calls that are disguised as "strategy sessions".

Regardless of whether or not we work together, I promise you'll get real value right out of the gate.

Hi, This is Emily. As a former insurance agency owner, I understand how important it is for a business owner to have quality booked appointments. That's exactly why AppointmentSettingAI was created.

There's a good chance that my team and I can help you get more qualified appointments booked ...but the only way to know for sure is to have a quick conversation with you.

Now - if  "the shoe was on the other foot", I'd be pretty hesitant to book a phone call with someone I don't know.

So please realize this conversation isn't a sales pitch in disguise or one of those "high pressure" calls that are disguised as "strategy sessions".

Regardless of whether or not we work together, I promise you'll get real value right out of the gate.

Here's Exactly What Happens When We Talk

The sole purpose of our conversation is to see if we can help you.

We can't help everyone and we'll know whether or not we can help you in the first few minutes.

Assuming that we can get you more appointments, this is what we'll do:

Here's What Happens When We Work Together.

Step 1

Set The Target:

This is pretty straightforward. 

We find out exactly what you want to accomplish ...and exactly what timeframe you want to accomplish it in ...and we set that as our main area of focus.

Step 2

Get The "Raw Materials":

If you're like every other business we've ever worked with, you've already got some "raw materials" we can use to hit your target.

For example - your database, your sales process, your audiences, your offers, your past promotions ...all of these things are "raw materials" that could be used to move us closer to your goal.

Once we have a good understanding of how everything works and what the numbers are behind it, we then move to ...

Step 3

The One-Step Action Plan:

The one-step action plan is what makes this experience so effective and different than anything you've tried before.

Instead of finding a laundry-list of things that might help you, we take the time to carefully analyze everything that's going on in your business and use that data to find the ONE THING to do right now that will move you closest to your goal in the shortest period of time.

No more overwhelm. No more over-work. No more shiny objects. No "tricks" or "hacks".

This Simple Approach Is What Lets Us
GUARANTEE Results For Clients

In the event you choose to become a client, we literally guarantee results.

To be more specific, we guarantee to help you measurably bring in MORE than our fee.

If we don't? Simple:



But we can talk about you becoming a client after our first conversation


...and only if you specifically ask about it.

For now, I'd like the opportunity to simply PROVE we can help you ...by actually helping you for free.

Pick an available date from the calendar below to get started.

I look forward to getting to know you and your business!